Business Loan
What are the loan schemes
available for SMEs?
SME Working Capital Loan (Govt)
Finance daily operating cash flow needs
Maximum of $500,000 per Company
Maximum loan repayment period of 5 years
Business Loan (Bank & Financial Institutions)​​​
Up to S$800,000
Maximum loan repayment period of 5 years
Flexible loan repayment terms with principal sum and flexible redemption terms
Banks and financial institutions have different documentation requirements, interest rates, eligibility and risk assessment criteria.
Basic Requirements
Singapore registered company and operating locally
Minimum 30% shareholding by Singaporean or Singapore PR
Group revenue of up to S$50 million
Our finance consultants have processed hundreds of applications for business loans, we can help you reduce processing time, compare to get the lowest rates and maximize your financing amount.
Find out the most suitable financing scheme for you. Fill in this short application now for a non-obligatory consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am a sole-proprietor, am I eligible for these loan schemes?​
A: Yes, registered sole proprietors with company bank accounts will be eligible to apply for either of the loan schemes. Other financial and credit requirements still apply.
Q: Is it easier for companies to get loans through these schemes?
A: Yes and no. While basic credit criterias still apply, lenders are more open to issuing loans to young companies and industries that were affected by the lockdown.
Q: My company has been dormant and only started operating recently, is it eligible for these loan schemes?
A: Yes, if you have recent business activities (6months) and sound financials.
Q: I have pending litigations and bad credit record. Am I eligible?
A: Unfortunately, if you have a bad credit record, you will not be eligible for the loan. As for pending litigation, it is case by case basis.